Friday, April 22, 2011

soccer ruined AcE's life(little)

the title says it all. soccer ruins lives. but mentally and physically. but i still love it. i used to hate soccer, until my friends introduced me to soccer in standard 4. back to soccer ruining lives. ahem... in the mentally side, soccer distracts us from our studies and if we lose a match we could be a bit too emo. and in the physically side, well, u know wat i mean. injured, playing dirty, bla bla bla. but somehow i still play soccer. so this is my opinions so don't get mad. oh and.... OUR SCHOOL WON!!! BOTH UNDER 15 AND UNDER 18!! WHOOT! under 15 won 4-0 and under 18 scored 3-1 i think but still.... WE WON!! xDDDD

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