Friday, May 6, 2011

Pyrokinesis, Geokinesis, Aerokinesis, Telekinesis and Hydokinesis

The title iz weird but yeah...
so, today i discovered kinesisssss, watever the plural iz. there are more than these 5, but they are the most mentioned. Pyrokinesis, ability to control fire. man, if anybody can do that it'll be like:
COOL!! i mean, HOT!! get it?? no?? nevermind...
but be careful, it can end up like.... KABOOM!!
next is, Geokinesis, ability to control earth... WAT THE HELL!!?? WHAT?? SOMEBODY THINKS THEIR GOD OR SOMETHING!?!? oh wait a minute.... ohh that earth not the globe Earth hehe~ ability to control earth... niiiice they'll be like Toph < get it?? Tough...:
wow that "rocks"!! what?? nothing??
next up iz me fav, Aerokinesis, ability to control wind, ~~~~~~~~~<*sway*sway
man thats gotta be cool ain't it?? peaceful but yet.... dangerous BAAM! TORNADOES, uhh.... cool, only one thing, i think LoL~~~~~~~~~~~~<*sway*sway 
BOOM!!:<what?? i got nothing to write ok...:
man, nothing...

TELEKINESIS!! mind-reading.. errrr.... what? we can't have private thoughts around here?? (stupid mind readers...) and can manipulate objects... niiiice...:
 wow... telekinesis can sure "brain"storm us huh??.... oh c'mon!!
Last but not seriously not least, Hydrokinesis, ability to control water or create movements in water... watever, hmmm not bad.... (nothing else to say):
so, my fav iz Aerokinesis, which is the LEAST dangerous among the others.

oh and another thing.... do u believe in these things?? naw, u shouldn't, only God can do such things right?? so, don't worry, be happy, but don't be crazy, adios! PEACE OUT!! t(<_<)t


  1. i like aerokinesis cause its the most dangerous one if ur creative >:)

  2. i have actually done it ^^ so, answering your question, yes, i do believe xD
