Monday, July 15, 2013

Oral test,

Yooo, hello everybody. That's a pretty long skip of not posting xDD Well, here you go!

Rrright. First thing's first, oral test. Last Friday, my English teacher informed my class that we are going to do an oral test around this week. Tomorrow, I presume. Teacher went around class and asked what topic that we're gonna pick. Most of 'em chose the topic relating to big world problems like financial problems and stuff. Because of the big haze problem that just hit our country, Malaysia. Well, what, or I might say who, I chose is a man with full experience and wisdom. A man who is my idol, and my grandfather(My dad is close with the man's son). The man who impressed the world, by carrying the name "Malaysian". He is the 4th Prime Minister and the longest serving Prime Minister of Malaysia (served as the Prime Minister of Malaysia for 22 years), Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. Why him? For one, he inspires me. What he did before, blew everyone's mind. Like, literally. He made Malaysia famous. Not only that, the way he speaks and the way he answers the questions that people throw at him. So yeah. The topic, is him.

the man I inspire.

Soooo, to the next topic! I just recently made up an account! Not just made up, as in, just got active again xDDD So feel free and ask me anything you want, please make it as random as you can. If not, it'll be a boring Q&A, and you won't like me when I'm boring :L Here's the link

Lol, so yeah! That's all for this time. Have a good one! :L

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