Monday, May 9, 2011

Technical and Vocational Launch Week

so, technical and vocational launch week, or "pelancaran minggu teknik and vokasional" in Malay. few posts before i mentioned i got to be a mascot for a PK(commercial and entrepreneurial or "perdagangan dan keusahawanan in Malay) student. all i have to do is walk in front of the stage then on the stage i go while carrying a cool briefcase ^^!
sorta like this:

LoL like a catwalk~

 sounds easy but~ imagine ur doin' it in front of 1000+ peeps! and 2000+ eyezzz!! 
i wuz like:

 in rehearsal. and in my mind iz like " NO FREAKIN' WAY I'M DOING THT!" but, i have to coz of the teacher (-.-)" DAMN NIGGA! later on, after the rehearsals, it's my time to shine or... mess... up... anywayzz after the KT, ERT, and PTN mascots gone up the stage it's my turn...

i wuz like (0.0) and:

while walking...

AND I HAVE TO DO SUMTHING THT PK DOES ON STAGE!! i pretended tht there is a phone in my briefcase, but i use my hand as the phone.

i wuz like fighting wif sumone on the phone:

naa jk~
then it wuz the Add Maths mascot and he is GOD DAMN FUNNY!!  i wuz like xDDD on the stage! and everyone wuz LoL-ing. then the Perdagangan mascot. then the ICT student which is da coolest, with their coats, laptop, EVERYTHING! then the Reka Cipta mascots, showed their designs to us and i wuz like "WOAAAH!!" in me mind~ then the last one was the best one yet, i forgot their mascot name LoL~ but they look architects. they showed their designs to each other and acted like real architects, i was mind blowned. i wuz like "phew~ i survived." at the end of the day. thats wat happened to me at school today so... c ya later!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Pyrokinesis, Geokinesis, Aerokinesis, Telekinesis and Hydokinesis

The title iz weird but yeah...
so, today i discovered kinesisssss, watever the plural iz. there are more than these 5, but they are the most mentioned. Pyrokinesis, ability to control fire. man, if anybody can do that it'll be like:
COOL!! i mean, HOT!! get it?? no?? nevermind...
but be careful, it can end up like.... KABOOM!!
next is, Geokinesis, ability to control earth... WAT THE HELL!!?? WHAT?? SOMEBODY THINKS THEIR GOD OR SOMETHING!?!? oh wait a minute.... ohh that earth not the globe Earth hehe~ ability to control earth... niiiice they'll be like Toph < get it?? Tough...:
wow that "rocks"!! what?? nothing??
next up iz me fav, Aerokinesis, ability to control wind, ~~~~~~~~~<*sway*sway
man thats gotta be cool ain't it?? peaceful but yet.... dangerous BAAM! TORNADOES, uhh.... cool, only one thing, i think LoL~~~~~~~~~~~~<*sway*sway 
BOOM!!:<what?? i got nothing to write ok...:
man, nothing...

TELEKINESIS!! mind-reading.. errrr.... what? we can't have private thoughts around here?? (stupid mind readers...) and can manipulate objects... niiiice...:
 wow... telekinesis can sure "brain"storm us huh??.... oh c'mon!!
Last but not seriously not least, Hydrokinesis, ability to control water or create movements in water... watever, hmmm not bad.... (nothing else to say):
so, my fav iz Aerokinesis, which is the LEAST dangerous among the others.

oh and another thing.... do u believe in these things?? naw, u shouldn't, only God can do such things right?? so, don't worry, be happy, but don't be crazy, adios! PEACE OUT!! t(<_<)t

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Despite da title, I JUS' HAD THE BEST TWO DAYS OF MY FREAKIN' LIFE!!! xDDDDD whoot! Firstly, yesterday, we threw a 'surprise' party fer me Dad. buuut me Dad came home while me, me mom and me younger bro wuz getting ready. aaaand me other younger brother and me sis were buying sum candles and beverages. (< first time usin' that word) after everything is ready, and the other stuffs were ready, it's time to blow the candles! from an strawberry ice cream cake that we bought fer RM99... yea, ouch.after blowin' out the candles, we had the BIG main COURSE! we had... HOMEMADE STEAK, LAMB, and SALAAAAD!! whoot! and it was FREAKIN' delicious. compliments to the chef~ (< me mom) next iz dessert which we had the cake ^^. it ok... jus' FREAKIN' AWESOME!! LoL~

That wuz yesterday now it's today which i had the two best thing that happened to meh. jus' now i wuz handling S.P.A.R(Super Positive Attitude Reward) until Pn. Suryana caught me handling SPAR and not goin' for Japanese class... busted~ in my head wuz like "whaaaa'.... DAMN NIGGA." so, at class i had to remember Hiragana... AGAIN~ damn it was hard, but it was easy too. after all that memorising, i got the score 45/46. not bad for getting BUSTED~ after class i chat fer a while wif Asayashi-senpaii, then i realised i was late fer sumthin' i rushed to da Bus Stop and thank god it's Friday, wait it's Thursday... whatever. thank god my uncle is still there if not i'll be late fer my Horse Riding Training. yea i take horse riding.
Future Me:
dang i look good

now i'm freakin' tired, so wat?? it was aaaall worth it. THANK U GOD!! but the downside is that after i left, Asayashi-senpaii wuz alone, which made me felt guilt... should have i skipped horse ridin', or not??